The Doctors We Teach Today Will Train Mozambican Health Professionals for Decades image

The Doctors We Teach Today Will Train Mozambican Health Professionals for Decades

$48,282 raised

$55,000 goal

/ 150


Dr. Maria Augusta Taimo, one of our newly-graduated emergency specialists, started training with us after eight years as a generalist physician at a rural hospital. She says of her years there, "Patients would arrive after horrible car accidents, and I didn't know what to do for them. All I could do is place and IV in their arm and put them in an ambulance to travel three hours to the closest large hospital. Many of them died along the way."

Dr. Taimo is now the director of the emergency medicine training program at Mozambique's largest teaching hospitals. When a car accident victim arrives, she leads a team that immediately initiates life-saving care for the patients, and she does so while teaching junior residents and generalist physicians.

Thousands of lives every year are saved just at Maputo Central Hospital due to the work of this new team of specialists who were trained in partnership with PLeDGE, and the doctors and nurses being trained will continue to save patients, and train new doctors, for decades.

With your help, we can do even more. We can train more health professionals, and supply them with simple equipment that will amplify their ability to save lives.